GP2025 Themes

Every Day Counts, Act for Resilience Today

The overall theme of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, ‘Every Day counts, Act for Resilience Today’ embodies an urgency to course correct the trajectory of progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework goals, as articulated in the midterm review. With two years elapsed since the midterm review of 2023 and five years remaining until 2030, there is a final window to accelerate action. Towards this end, the GP2025 aims to mobilize collective action towards building resilience through assessing progress on and giving practical guidance on accelerating the implementation of the Sendai Framework and of the calls made in the Political Declaration itself. 


Pathway to developing the GP2025 Theme

As part of the GP2025 Preparatory Process, Member States, the UN System, Stakeholder Groups were asked to provide feedback on the thematic focus and the concept note via an online survey. Consultations with Member States were facilitated through the Permanent Missions to the UN in Geneva through the UNDRR Support Group Members. The UN System was also consulted to provide their expert feedback and recommendations on the specific elements of the concept note and the thematic areas. Additionally, consultations with Stakeholder groups were facilitated through the UNDRR Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism (SEM) which is an inclusive, open and structured avenue for close engagement of stakeholders with UNDRR and Sendai Framework.    


Overall Theme: Every Day Counts, Act for Resilience Today

In addition to the overall theme, three cross-cutting themes have been elicited from the multi-stakeholder consultation inputs listed as core elements that will be weaved across and throughout the agenda.


Managing current and future risks and uncertainties in a rapidly changing climate and global context

Prioritizing gender equality, accessibility and inclusion to leave no one behind

  1. Managing current and future risks and uncertainties in a rapidly changing climate and global context
    • Combined with the evolving challenges posed by climate change, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, outbreak of series of crisis and extreme weather such as droughts and wildfires are transforming the world affecting millions of people. Managing current and future risks through comprehensive risk management strategies is essential to cope with changing risk patterns and anticipate future scenarios.
  2. Prioritizing gender equality, accessibility and inclusion to leave no one behind
    • Whilst disasters affect everyone, they disproportionately impact certain groups in particular contexts such a women, persons with disabilities and older persons. Inclusive planning and addressing systemic inequalities ensure that the needs of all community members are addressed, leading to more effective and equitable disaster risk reduction. This theme will consider means to accelerate action an international, national and local levels to address gaps and reduce disaster risks for those most at risk.
  3. Accelerate action for our collective sustainable future
    • Disaster risk reduction is intrinsically linked to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as those related to poverty, climate action and resilient cities and human settlements. This theme considers how climate, nature and development can be integrated into our planning. It will also explore how national and local-level action can be accelerated in synergy with sustainable development and climate action agendas, policies and programmes.

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