Constituency session: Grassroots Academy and Community Practitioner’s Platform for Resilience: Leveraging the Mid-Term Review for Aggregating Evidence, Learning and Movement-Building

COVID-19 recovery
DRR financing
Leave no one behind
Risk governance

As the convenor of the Community Practitioners Platform for Resilience (CPPR), the Huairou Commission will facilitate dialogue among the representatives of grassroots organizations from impoverished and hazard-prone communities participating in the Global Platform in Bali.

Organized grassroots groups have leveraged their own expertise, resources and social capital to introduce solutions for reducing disaster risk and building gender-just resilient communities.

The Sendai Mid-Term Review is positioned as a valuable organizing tool that can be used for collective learning and collaborative planning as leaders of grassroots organizations take stock of their contributions and the progress and challenges observed more broadly.

This session will advance a collaborative process for reviewing progress since Sendai. Grassroots experiences in innovating and scaling up DRR will be presented, plans for using the MTR to aggregate evidence will be considered and strategies for advocacy and outreach to partners throughout our time at Global Platform will be discussed.

Session objectives

  1. Share grassroots practices and lessons from local implementation of the Sendai framework for DRR
  2. Propose approaches to aggregating evidence of grassroots-led implementation of SFDRR for the Mid Term Review
  3. Identify opportunities to scale-up partnerships for accelerating local implementation of SFDRR
  4. Develop shared agenda for for the MTR and advocacy at the Global Platform


  • Suranjana Gupta-Senior Advisor - Community Resilience, Huairou Commission


  • Ibu Roniatun-Yakkum Emergency Unit, Indonesia
  • Bindu Shrestha- Community Women’s Forum, Nepal and Regional Representative to Huairou Commission Governing Council
  • Theresa Makwara- Zimbabwe Parents of Handicapped Children (ZPHCA), Zimbabwe
  • Ma Theresa Carampatana- Slumdwellers International (Philippines)

Learn more

Impoverished urban, rural and indigenous communities, and women in particular, are among the worst affected by disasters and climate change, yet locally-led grassroots organizations continue to be marginalized from risk governance, funding and technical support.

Despite these disadvantages, organized grassroots groups have leveraged our own expertise, resources and social capital to introduce integrated solutions for reducing disaster risk and building resilience. We have organized as women-led networks, cooperatives, federations of self-help groups, care-givers alliances and other kinds of community-based organizations.

We have nurtured partnership with local and national government, philanthropy, bilateral and multilateral donor partners and technical institutions and have seen promising examples that can be scaled-up for greater and more sustained progress in implementation of the Sendai Framework.

Grassroots organizations have deep traditions of peer learning and collaborative planning and are committed to using the Mid Term Review as an opportunity for evidence generation, reflection, planning and movement building. We look to national and local governments to include us in their own Mid-Term Review processes.

Session guiding questions

  1. What practices have proven effective for reducing disaster risk and building resilience?
  2. What are the prospects for scaling up good practices/ what partnerships and alliances and organizing is needed?
  3. How can we use the Mid Term Review to aggregate evidence and build momentum?
  4. What can we achieve at the Global Platform?
Grassroots Academy and Community


23 May 2022
14:00 - 15:30 (WITA+0 Asia/Makassar)


Hibiscus & Frangipani
BICC Ground Floor

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Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Suranjana Gupta [email protected]

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