Learning Labs: Sendai Framework Monitoring System (Basic)

UNDRR has been mandated to support the monitoring of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. This is facilitated through the online Sendai Framework Monitor (SFM). Launched in March 2018, the data from SFM has been used for monitoring of the Sendai Framework, while reporting for DRR-related indicators of SDGs. As of end-2021, 155 Member States have used the SFM for reporting. This session focuses on how to use the SFM system. 

Interested participants are invited to register for the Learning Labs as soon as possible through this link.

Session objectives

  • To train the newly appointed SFM users on the reporting process and provide a refresher course for existing SFM users focussing on specific queries. 
  • To update SFM users on the new features of the monitoring and reporting system  
  • To share good practices from countries in addressing common issues (such as disaggregation and baselines). 
  • To share some innovative use cases of how the data from the SFM has been analysed and utilised to inform global and regional use cases.

Learn more

Participants may benefit from bringing their own laptop (but not essential)

Where do we stand

The SFM data has also been used to develop a number of global reports such the High-Level Political Forum, the Secretary-General report on SDG Implementation.  The SFM data has also been used in partner-led UN publications e.g. WMO’s State of the Global Climate and State of Climate Services while SFM metrics have been referenced in FAO’s report on Impact of Disasters and Crises on Agriculture and Food Security.
The SFM has, hence, evolved as a central depository of official DRR statistics on enabling Member States to benchmark, measure and concretely track their progress in DRR and resilience building. 

Session guiding questions

  1. Demonstration of the tools 
The fire departments and emergency response teams will conduct disaster preparedness drills. This group of team members gathers around to discuss options,selective focus.


25 May 2022
17:30 - 19:00 (Bali UTC+8)


Legian 1, 2
BNDCC 2- Mezzanine Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Rahul Sengupta [email protected]

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