Moving Words into Action: Child & youth engagement on Sendai priorities

Watch the event recording here:


This ‘Words into Action’ event responded to stakeholders wanting to engage & support working with children & youth on DRR and CCA, but unsure where to start.  It introduced practical tools for governments, agencies, CSOs, the private sector, academia and scientists to support inclusive, gender responsive, child & youth engagement under the four priorities of the Sendai Framework and Paris Climate Agreement.

Children and youth, alongside the Children in a Changing Climate Coalition, shared experience, tools and guidance. This was followed by an intergenerational dialogue, and a ‘Children’s Call for Climate Action Now’, informed by the GP children and youth forum, regional consultations and the children’s climate cards to promote inclusivity & gender equity.

The session was structured by the four Sendai Priorities.  ‘Live scribing and cartooning’ innovatively captured key learning and ideas. The resulting session recommendations and vision aim to influence and inform the Sendai Framework stocktaking process, the progress joint statement and resulting GPDRR messages and outcomes, to ensure timely uptake of session vision and recommendations.   

Session objectives

  1. SHARE practical experience, tools and guidance to engage and support working with children and youth on DRR and CCA under the Sendai Priority Frameworks 
  2. EXCHANGE in an intergenerational discussion to advance meaningful and inclusive engagement of all children and youth on DRR and CCA going forward 
  3. INSPIRE action going forward and engagement in the Children in a Changing Climate Coalition 
  4. INFORM the stocktaking process of the Sendai Framework, the progress joint statement and resulting GPDRR messages and outcomes through session recommendations and vision


  1. Abraham Bugre -Partnership and Engagement Officer, Green Africa Youth 
  2. Ms. Jekulin Lipi Saikia - Asia Pacific Regional Focal Point (RFP) on DRR, Sendai Stakeholders Children and Youth Group of Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) 


  1. Ferina Futboe -Youth representative from UNICEF Indonesia 
    • Sharing a best practice example from UNICEF on engaging children and youth in Priority 1 of the Sendai Framework 
  2. Ilandra Ndlovu-Youth Feminist Participatory Action Researcher from Tsholotsho, Zimbabwe, representing Plan International Zimbabwe 
    • Sharing a best practice example from Plan International on engaging children and youth in Priority 1 of the Sendai Framework 
  3. Marlon Matuguina- Disaster Risk Reduction and School Safety Program Manager, Save the Children Philippines  
    • Sharing a best practice example from Save the Children on engaging children and youth in Priority 1 of the Sendai Framework 
  4. Aloysius Suratin-Program and sponsorship director, ChildFund Indonesia 
    • Sharing a best practice example from ChildFund on engaging children and youth in Priority 2 of the Sendai Framework 
  5. *By video* Adrian Reid -Youth officer, Jamaica Red Cross 
  6. Julianna Martin- Student at Naparima Girls School, Trinidad and Tobago  
    • Sharing a best practice example from Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago on engaging children and youth in Priority 3 of the Sendai Framewor
  7. Sonika Narayan- Volunteer from the Fiji Red Cross, Suva Branch  
    • Sharing a best practice example from the Pacific Resilience Partnership on engaging children and youth in Priority 3 of the Sendai Framework 

  8.  Roy Wasi, Solomon Islands Youth contributor to the Guardians of the Planet Report, World Vision International 
    • Sharing a best practice example from the Pacific Resilience Partnership on engaging children and youth in Priority 4 of the Sendai Framework 

  9. Sendai priority 4 / summary Name TBC  -MGCY representative, Latin America focal point  
    • Sharing a best practice example from UNMGCY on engaging children and youth in Priority 4 of the Sendai Framework 


Learn more

Where do we stand 

Children and youth are disproportionately impacted by climate change and disasters. Climate change magnifies gender inequalities- especially for girls. Children & youth have a right to be heard, yet policy and programs do not effectively engage them. Guidance for meaningful participation is crucial to ensure space to speak and shape their future - defined by “Nothing about us, without us”. 

Specifically, the formal and mandated space for engagement in DRR and CCA is especially limited for young people under 18.  In recognition of this, the Children in a Changing Climate Coalition has updated its mandate to specifically focus on this demographic. Accordingly, the session will include space for under 18’s representation to strive for greater inclusivity going forward.

For effective, sustainable DRR and CCA that inclusively responds to and upholds the needs and rights of all children and youth, much more needs to be done to advance gender equality and equity, disability and social inclusion.  Accordingly, the Children in a Changing Climate Coalition strongly advocates for these agendas.

Stocktaking and accelerating progress in achieving the goal and targets of the Sendai Framework, will be purposefully addressed with the session structured by the four Sendai Priorities and 2030 Agenda for SDGs. By exploring the priorities under the perspectives of children, youth and the Children in a Changing Climate Coalition, the session will provide a focused vision and set of recommendations aiming to inform the stocktaking process and next steps. We must ensure to ‘leave no one behind.’   

Session guiding questions

  1. What are best practice examples of experience, guidance or tools to meaningfully engage children and youth in each of the Sendai Framework priorities? 
  2. What made this approach effective? 
  3. Were there any barriers or challenges? 
  4. What do you hope to see going forward on each Sendai priority to advance child and youth meaningful and inclusive engagement? 


26 May 2022
14:30 - 16:00 (Bali UTC+8)


Mengwi 6, 7, 8
BNDCC 2-Ground Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference




International sign


Brigitte Rudram [email protected] Anish Shrestha (UNMGCY), [email protected]

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