Side event

Principles for Resilient Infrastructure - A global standard for the improvement of infrastructure resilience

COVID-19 recovery
DRR financing
Leave no one behind
Risk governance
SDGs and climate action

While there are many discussions focusing on the challenges of infrastructure resilience, this side event will offer solutions for practitioners to achieving outcomes of infrastructure resilience. 

The purpose of the side event is to present the latest version of the Principles for Resilient Infrastructure and to provide practical solutions for infrastructure resilience to all levels of government, institutions, donors, investors, owners, regulators, operators, designers and contractors, service providers, and international organisations by demonstrating how the Principles and other tools can be implemented to contribute to positive economic, social and environmental outcomes. 

During this event, various stakeholders along with our co-organizers will discuss how the Principles and resilient infrastructure tools such as CDRI’s lexicon, OECD’s good governance for critical infrastructure resilience and ICE’s knowledge platforms can be applicable and implemented for specific sectors and industries, as well as holistically to achieve infrastructure resilience. 

Session objectives

With the overall intention of raising awareness and understanding on resilience of infrastructure, the objectives of the side event are to:  

  1. Present the Principles for Resilient Infrastructure Report 
  2. Elaborate on the concept of ‘net resilience gain’ 
  3. Illustrate how to implement the Principles for Resilient Infrastructure  
  4. Introduce policy instruments and tools for resilient infrastructure (CDRI’s lexicon, OECD’s Good Governance for Critical Infrastructure Resilience and ICE’s knowledge platforms) 



  • Abhilash Panda- Deputy Chief, Intergovernmental processes, Interagency cooperation and Partnerships, UNDRR  


  • Liz Varga, Professor of Complex Systems, Head of UCL’s Infrastructure Systems Institute, UCL  
  • David A. Smith, ICE Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure CAB Chair | Senior Vice President, Director of Strategy, Stantec 
  • Nestor Alfonzo Santamaria, Policy Advice & Research, High Level Risk Forum, OECD 
  • Neha Bhatia, Senior Specialist- Knowledge Management, CDRI 
  • Ajay Makhija, Team Leader, Infrastructure Resilience | Planning & Sector Partnerships, National Emergency Management Agency, New Zealand  
  • George Baldwin, Climate Resilience & Strategy Consulting Director, Consulting Solutions, Marsh Advisory 
  • Ravi Sinha, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India


Learn more

Today, more people than ever are dependent on the services delivered by critical infrastructure systems, such as healthcare, education, energy, transport, telecommunications and water. Infrastructure systems are the backbone of modern economy, and critical infrastructure resilience is essential to develop sustainably. The COVID-19 pandemic and extreme weather events have highlighted potential vulnerabilities and exposure of our infrastructure systems across the globe.
The ‘Principles for Resilient Infrastructure’ have been developed to support implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Principles for Resilient Infrastructure addresses the challenge of current infrastructure planning, financing, design, development and operation not fully taking into account either the interdependent nature of infrastructure and services, or the increasingly complex nature of risks and the cascading impacts that a disaster can have across the whole infrastructure system. It also addresses the lack of understanding of what “resilient infrastructure” actually means and entails in terms of policy, planning, and practical measures by creating a common language and understanding of the issue.  

Session guiding question

  1. How can the Principles and key actions be implemented by specific stakeholder groups to address infrastructure resilience? 
  2. What are the common misconceptions of resilient infrastructure and how can the Principles and other policy instruments contribute to creating a better understanding of resilient infrastructure?  
  3. How can we ensure that investments are de-risked by factoring resilience into investment decisions?  
  4. How can we urgently push the infrastructure resilience agenda and how can we promote the ‘net resilience gain’ concept’?  
A global standard


25 May 2022
17:30 - 19:00 (WITA+0 Asia/Makassar)


Mengwi 6, 7, 8
BNDCC 2-Ground Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Liz Varga [email protected]

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