Statement of the Republic of Peru, Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022)
The Delegation of Peru reiterates the importance of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, approved during the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, held in Sendai, Japan, which together with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Global Agreement on Climate Change, they strengthen the treatment of disaster risk reduction as a cross-cutting issue at the global level.
Likewise, the Delegation of Peru greets and congratulates the Government of Indonesia and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) for the efforts made and the excellent organization of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022), in the global context of COVID19.
Peru, due to its geographical location and geomorphological characteristics, is exposed to several natural hazards, to which our highly vulnerable population faces risks whose impacts cause damage to life and health, as well as to their livelihoods; becoming one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. Likewise, it has been facing the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which require promoting the reactivation of our economy, with actions aimed at reducing infrastructure gaps, strengthening virtual communication capacities, among others, also considering the strengthening of the inclusion of Disaster Risk Management as part of the development process of our country; as a transversal element to all the themes.
Considering the above, the Peruvian Government has approved Policy 32, "State Policy on Disaster Risk Management", and Law No. 29664 was approved for its implementation, which creates the National Disaster Risk Management System - SINAGERD and its respective regulation. Likewise, in 2021, the update of the National Disaster Risk Management Policy was approved with a horizon of 2050, whose desired future situation is to reduce the vulnerability of the population and their livelihoods to the risk of disasters in the territory, which will be reflected through a 20% reduction in direct economic losses attributed to emergencies and disasters in relation to gross domestic product; as well as the reduction to 13% of the percentage of homes located in areas with very high exposure to hazards; and to 11.9% of the percentage of the infrastructure of public services located in areas of very high exposure to danger; among others.
Our country has made every effort to meet the objectives and goals set out in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction by 2030, and expresses its interest in continuing with recovery efforts and implementing strategies to achieve resilient economies. and sustainable development in our towns, improving the understanding of disaster risk, the conditions of occupation and use considering the risk of disasters in the territory, strengthening the incorporation of disaster risk management in public and private investment, as well as , ensuring the attention of the population in the event of emergencies and disasters, and improving the recovery of the population and their livelihoods affected by emergencies and disasters, which includes joining public and private efforts.
We are strengthening the determination of the risk condition, through the preparation of reports and/or studies, evaluations, as well as the strengthening of the hazard observational system, as well as the incorporation of disaster risk management in the institutional strategic plans. Likewise, the physical and financial execution of public investments in disaster risk management has been increasing, we have a Budget Program called Vulnerability Reduction and emergency attention due to disasters, which allows the closing of gaps in terms of activities and investments in disaster risk management, at the three levels of government, among other advances at the national level.
Likewise, in Peru, international technical cooperation, as a component of Foreign Policy, represents a valuable tool that, from its complementary role, contributes to reduce the risk of disasters, as well as contributing to the sustainable and inclusive development of the country and the needs of vulnerable populations, consistent with social and decentralized diplomacy.
Likewise, it seeks to share strengths, capacities and technical knowledge for mutual benefit and learning, through South-South Cooperation and Triangular Cooperation in order to multiply and strengthen national capacities.
The challenge for the coming years is great, we still have a long way to go in order to meet the goals and objectives of the Sendai Framework, and we have been joining efforts with the support of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and from the Andean Community bloc, promoting the calculation of damages and economic losses. In this regard, we must strengthen the national and inter-institutional teams that carry out the monitoring and follow-up report of the Sendai Framework, for which international cooperation constitutes a main source of support.
Finally, Peru assumes the challenge and responsibility in the implementation of international commitments in the area of disaster risk management, of facing the challenges of COVID-19, of attending to the postponed needs of the most needy peoples, and makes a call to the international community to contribute to egalitarian environments and the construction of cities, resilient generations, as well as for the implementation of the Sendai framework in our territories and to fulfill its goals and objectives.
Thank you very much.