Addressing loss and damage, supporting the most vulnerable: lessons from DRR and climate change action

This multi-stakeholder side event focuses on loss and damage associated with climate change impacts, recognizing that losses and damages are already occurring around the world, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable people, communities and countries, including through disaster displacement and planned relocation. 

Economic and non-economic impacts are most acutely felt in the poorest countries, with the greatest burden placed on people and communities with fewer resources, capabilities and systems to manage disaster and climate related shocks and stresses, in particular LDCs and SIDS. 

This panel discussion with representatives from the climate change and DRR sectors, academia, action and art, will be based on the latest findings of the IPCC Working Group II on climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. It will bridge conversations with relevant policy agendas, including the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda, the Global Compact for Migration, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and others. 

Session objectives

  1. Raise awareness of loss and damage and promote coordinated and enhanced action across climate change and DRR, in support of those most affected by disasters in the context of climate change. 
  2. Promote action across sectors, following a whole-of-society approach, to prevent and prepare for the adverse effects of climate change, including disasters, and the impacts on the most vulnerable.  
  3. Generate actionable recommendations to reduce climate impacts through cross-sector collaboration, integrating climate action and DRR into development planning.  


Learn more

If you are interested to learn more about loss and damage and/or disaster displacement, please consider the following summary and documents

Where do we stand

Climate change is happening. Already today, lives and livelihoods are being lost to increasingly frequent and intense climate impacts. Communities and societies are already suffering losses and damages and we need to think about how to pursue more robust mitigation, more ambitious adaptation and how to collaborate across sectors to avert, minimize and address loss and damage. This requires working together across geographies, countries and regions to support the most vulnerable populations, including those who need to be relocated or will be displaced, factoring in all the direct and indirect impacts of climate change. 
The outcomes of this event are meant to inform conversations at COP27 and foster the coherence and dialogue between climate change and DRR communities in support of the sustainable development goals and 2030 Agenda, in line with other relevant policy agendas. 

Session guiding questions

  1. How to prepare for rising incidence of displacement and planned relocation? 
  2. How to ensure local actors are in the driver's seat when designing interventions to address loss and damage? 
  3. What types of anticipatory action and innovative financing models can deliver support to the poorest and most vulnerable? 
  4. How can we transcend silos and foster communication between DRR and climate actors to ensure risk is managed in a coherent, coordinated fashion in the short, medium and long-term? 
Flooding in Bangladesh


25 May 2022
17:30 - 19:00 (Bali UTC+8)


Singaraja Hall 2
BNDCC 1-1st Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Sarah Koeltzow, PDD Secretariat Policy Officer, Platform on Disaster Displacement