Displacement Constituency Session

This session seeks to raise awareness of disaster displacement and the need to integrate disaster displacement into local and national DRR strategies among GP22 participants. The Platform on Disaster Displacement, the Norwegian Refugee Council and partners will present the Platform’s DRR and Displacement Policy Brief and Key Messages and provide an overview of disaster displacement-related events taking place throughout the Platform. These include Ignite sessions, an exhibition on the Words into Action on disaster displacement guidance, checklist and elearning, and the engagement of artists, among others.

Session objectives

  • Provide an introduction to the topic of disaster displacement along with an overview of strides made in international, regional and national policy processes and frameworks.
  • Share key policy messages on disaster displacement.
  • Learn and coordinate how partners plan to engage in disaster displacement advocacy at GP22.


  1. Nina Birkeland, NRC and Sarah Koeltzow, Platform on Disaster Displacement


Learn more

If you are interested to learn more about displacement and human mobility in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change, please consider the following documents:

Where do we stand

Millions of people are displaced in the context of disasters around the world, every year. In 2020 alone, 30.7 million new displacements were related to disasters, according to estimates by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. Disaster displacement is multi-causal and driven by political, social, demographic, and environmental factors, including land degradation and unsustainable urbanization, among others. It occurs in the context of earthquakes and other geophysical hazards or is linked to extreme weather events, such as floods, storms and drought.

DRR strategies and practice play an important role in preventing and reducing risks associated with disaster displacement, strengthening resilience, and addressing the protection needs of people already displaced or at risk of being displaced. They should promote human-rights based approaches to disaster displacement and build coherence and partnerships across related policy areas, contributing to an effective use of knowledge and resources across silos.

This session will offer practical guidance for interested stakeholders on how to integrate disaster displacement and other related forms of human mobility into disaster risk reduction strategies and practice. It will also introduce the role of art in policy advocacy to raise awareness of all disaster risk management actors from the local to global level.

Session guiding questions

  • What is disaster displacement?
  • Why and how is disaster displacement relevant to DRR?
  • How is disaster displacement addressed so far in DRR policy and practice?
  • How can disaster displacement be integrated across policy areas such as climate change, DRR, development, human mobility and others?
  • Which global and regional level tools and guidance is available to support DRR policymakers implement the Sendai Framework related to disaster displacement?
People in a destroyed house following Hurricane Matthew in Roche a Bateux, Haiti in October 2016


24 May 2022
09:00 - 10:30 (Bali UTC+8)


BICC Ground Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Sarah Koeltzow, PDD Secretariat info@disasterdisplacement.org