Exhibitions to support the GP2022 at the Bali Collection and Art Bali areas

Three exhibitions to support the 7th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction event are held in the Bali Collection and Art Bali areas from 23-28 May 2022. The exhibitions are as follows:



Indonesia House of Resilience (RRI) is part of the communication strategy of the Indonesian government as the host of the 7th GPDRR in 2022. The Indonesian House of Resilience will be held concurrently with and complementing the 2022 GPDRR, namely from 23 to 28 May 2022. The venue is at the Art Bali Building - Bali Collection Area, Jl. kw. Nusa Dua Resort, Benoa, Kec. Kuta Sel., Badung Regency, Bali 80361.

As the host of the event, Indonesia's narrative is to show leadership, jointly promote recovery from the pandemic crisis, the impacts of climate change and disaster events, through better risk management. At the same time, as a momentum for a long journey to resilience that combines awareness of the increasingly complex threats of disaster hazards.  All members of the delegation and guests are invited to experience a concentric journey from the outer circle to the inside:

  1. Departing from a RESILIENT COMMUNITY. Celebrating the spirit and culture of resilient Indonesians, those who grow stronger in the face of risk, respond to disasters, and recover stronger from impacts. Presenting booths for communities, groups, technology sectors and industries as well as SMEs that have resilience stories to share.
  2. Through the PENTAHELIX COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY. Collaborative risk management as stipulated in the Master Plan for Indonesian Disaster Management 2020 - 2044, featuring exhibition booths, stages, and a range of activities from government ministries and agencies, civil society: national and local DRR Forums, civil society organizations and non-governmental organizations, volunteer corps, and C 20 groups, as well as international partners working in Indonesia.
  3. Towards the SESSIONS TOWARDS GLOBAL RESILIENCE, is an official meeting to discuss and formulate a new world order for a “recover stronger together” both from the pandemic and disaster risk, and exhibitions and the Ignite stage which have been prepared and arranged by UNDRR.

The establishment and operation of an Indonesian House of Resilience complex which is part and complements the implementation of the 7th GPDRR in 2022 by the Government of Indonesia which consists of:

  • Market Place: contains the achievements of the Disaster Risk Reduction program in Indonesia (partners and pentahelix)
  • Resilience Stage: delivery of results/achievements of DRR programs in Indonesia (Yogyakarta Declaration – Partners – Pentahelix), 30 min/segment (presentation + discussion), up to 10 segments
  • Talk show: interactive dialogue of several partners/pentahelix (30-60 minutes per talk show)
  • Panel Exhibition: highlight - brief presentation of products/programs/achievements (15 minutes)

For more information on the Indonesia House of Resilience, see here.



The efforts to protect nations from the threat of disaster include encouraging business communities to enhance the capability of disaster management, as well as to enlighten the public to prepare for various disasters.

In order to make this happen, Asia Disaster Management & Civil Protection Expo and Conference (ADEXCO) 2022 cooperate with BNPB, aiming to create a new opportunity to demonstrate disaster risk reduction efforts of Indonesia and Asia region.

Currently, countries in Asia do their best in terms of disaster management development by investing in disaster equipment for the preparedness, response and recovery. Through ADEXCO 2022, we urge communities from the government, academician, industry, media and community to be aware of and prepare disaster management. Preparation in the form of investment and education is a must to have strong resilience in order to face the upcoming and unknown disaster.

ADEXCO 2022 will be held alongside the seventh session of the Global Platform (GP2022) from 23 – 28 May 2022 in ABBC Building, Nusa Dua – Bali. The tagline of ADEXCO exhibition is Reinforce Our Future, From Indonesia To the World.

For more information on the ADEXCO, see here, and register for an on-site visit here.


The Exhibition of SMEs products: THE SPIRIT OF INDONESIA

The Exhibition of SMEs products: THE SPIRIT OF INDONESIA will be held on May 25th -28th, 2022, 11.am-9.00pm. The purpose of the exhibition is to empower all SMEs as part of disaster risk reduction efforts, foster partnership and to build resilience and support sustainability. The participants of this event is expected to further expand their markets, develop new ideas, to network to have a chance at gathering wider range of supports. The exhibition of SMEs products will be showcased in Bali Collection and the hotels where the delegates stay. A comprehensive showcase in line with GPDRR’s theme titled The Spirit of Indonesia will be divided into 4 (four) zoning areas:

  1. Zone 1 The Rising Phoenix : A mini museum featuring some great disasters that took place in Indonesia to illustrate their devastating impact to the communities and the country as a whole.
  2. Zone 2 Memento of Indonesia : Featuring eco-friendly and green products and other champions products of Indonesian SMEs.
  3. Zone 3 Taste of Indonesia : A whole spectrum of indulgence in food and beverages, from local heritage as well as standardized manufactured goods.
  4. Zone 4 Local Rhythm : Celebrating cultural and musical performance as well as entertainment, which offers the chance to personally see Indonesia’s vast cultural performances.


  1. Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs: 50 SMEs (Bali Collection) & 30 SMEs (Westin Hotel, Melia Hotel, Conrad Hotel)
  2. Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy: 140 SMEs (virtual)
  3. Ministry of Youth and Sports: 15 SMEs
  4. Ministry of Industry: 10 SMEs
  5. Ministry of Trade:  8  SMEs

Presenting more than 200 Indonesian SMEs from Bali and other provinces in Indonesia, various sectors ranging from wellness, eco-friendly product, zero waste based products, paintings and handmade products from women entrepreneurs, SMEs impacted by disasters, and handicapped children.

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy shows the Creative Product Planogram - a display installation showcasing curated creative products in response to the Covid-19 outbreak in promoting Indonesia creative products better to larger customers number without having to pool too much crowds. The planogram comprises information on 140 creative products from all around Indonesia representing the Fashion, Craft, and Culinary sub-sectors related to disaster resilience, both from the producer side, location, or function of the products. Each product in this planogram is provided with a QR Code that allows you to visit the official accounts of creative actors in our local marketplace or other digital marketing platforms. Payments are designed to be cashless, and products will be delivered straight to the desired location through local logistic service.

For more information on the Spirit of Indonesia exhibition, see here and here.

Indonesian traditional art with a dragon like creature


23 - 28 May 2022
09:00 - 21:00 (Bali UTC+8)

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign