Learning from COVID-19: Social and Economic Recovery for All

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the cascading nature of risk. It shows clearly the importance of coordination among health and other sectors for effective and gender responsive disaster risk reduction and systemic risk governance.  
This session will consider the lessons learned from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic at the national and local level. It will

(i) explore the cascading socio-economic impacts of complex risks on vulnerable populations, and
(ii) identify opportunities for strengthening multi-sectoral risk governance.

The session will highlight how evidence-based and just recovery can help us prepare for future disasters as well as protect and sustain the sustainable development goals. 

Session objectives 

  • Share lessons learned from COVID-19 in the context of complex and interconnected risks;
  • Identify key means to move towards resilience and social and economic recovery for all;
  • Highlight good practices and opportunities for whole-of-society and all-hazards risk governance;
  • Put forward essential elements, concrete actions and commitments for consideration at different levels and across sectors for enhancing adaptive and transformative social and economic recovery for all. 


  • Valerie Nkamgang Bemo - Deputy Director, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Emergency Response


  • Dr Mike Ryan, Executive Director, WMO Health Emergencies Program
  • Pratima Gurung - President, National Indigenous Disabled Women Association Nepal (NIDWAN), Climate Change
  • H.E. Bill Blair, President of the Queen's Privy Council of Canada, Minister of Emergency and Preparedness
  • Thembisile Simelane-Nkadimeng - Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs ( Speaker), South Africa
  • Jagan Chapagain - Secretary General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

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Read this section to learn more about the topic of COVID-19 lessons to ensure social and economic recovery for all. 

Where do we stand

Despite strong efforts to strengthen disaster risk governance systems over the years, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that significant challenges remain. These include: 

  • Insufficient knowledge and integration mechanisms of the health and other sectors as part of the scope of disaster risk management  
  • Lack of understanding of risk complexity and the effects of cascading socio-economic impacts on vulnerable populations 
  • Absence of investment in prevention and preparedness actions as part of recovery efforts, notably those that would address social and economic drivers of inequality 

At the same time, there are opportunities. 

  • Despite insufficient past coordination between the health and other sectors, there has been a recent increase in the establishment of policy frameworks and recognition to increase coordination between the heath and other sectors in response to COVID-19, particularly disaster managers that should be taken advantage of. 
  • Recognition of the need for multi-hazard risk management for effective risk governance and evidence-based recovery.
  • Recognition of the impact of disasters on the more vulnerable and of the need to adopt a whole of society and inclusive approach to disaster risk reduction and recovery from COVID-19.

Session guiding questions

  • Considering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on different co-existing groups, sectors and systems, how can governments and stakeholders better identify and manage current and emerging systemic risks, including the climate crisis? 
  • How can we address identified challenges and accelerate progress in managing the “new” and multiple types of hazards and disaster risks included in the Sendai Framework for DRR1?  
  • What are the key elements identified from the pandemic experience that can help us strengthen disaster risk governance and build stronger and more forward-looking, innovative and transformative systems for managing all types of hazards and risks? 
  • How can governments and stakeholders plan using the information on current and emerging systemic risks, including the climate crisis to better manage risks in the future? 
Economic impact of COVID-19


26 May 2022
09:00 - 10:30 (Bali UTC+8)


Nusa Dua Hall
BNDCC 1-Ground Floor

Online access

Remote participation available to those registered for the conference
Live stream available to all




International sign


Raul Salazar, [email protected] Jennifer Guralnick, [email protected]