Sharing Session on Regional Standby Mechanisms and their role in disaster preparedness and response

The session will focus on sharing of information about regional standby arrangements, especially regarding the processes and mechanisms to mobilise resources in support of disaster affected countries; what resources can be mobilised, when to mobilise and how to mobilise them, as well as the experiences and challenges in doing so.
The sharing session will feature representatives from various regional humanitarian organisations.
In line with the goals of the GP2022 to take stock of Sendai Framework implementation, recommend actions for policy makers, highlight good practices and raise awareness, this event will showcase the importance of building stronger regional standby mechanisms in order to enhance preparedness in responding to disasters. This event will also exchange good practice, and deliberate challenges, in mobilising resources for standby arrangements, and discuss ways and means to overcome these obstacles. Most importantly, it will elaborate possible future inter-regional collaboration to  strengthen standby arrangements. 

Session objectives

The main objectives of this side event are to: 

  • Exchange best practices and experience on standby arrangements mechanisms among regional humanitarian organisations 
  • Promote better understanding of different regional standby mechanisms and their role in disaster preparedness and response.   
  • Foster collaboration between regional organisations and humanitarian partners  to enhance disaster preparedness and response. 

Learn more

Where do we stand

Regional organisations play a critical role in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response, including as the custodian of regional mechanism that enable members to share and combine resources in support of disaster affected countries.
Despite this common role played by regional organisations, to date there has been no comprehensive overview of the various mechanisms employed by different regional organisations, and therefore there has been little opportunity to learn from each other to strengthen the systems that do exist. This session will also provide an opportunity for international organisations and non-governmental organisations, with their own similar standby mechanisms, to understand how they can work with the existing structures and systems in different regions, and build interoperability between the systems where possible. 

Session guiding questions

  • What are the processes and mechanisms applied by regional humanitarian organisations to mobilise resources in support of disaster affected countries; what resources can be mobilised, when to mobilise and how to mobilise them? 
  • What are the experiences and challenges in mobilising resources in support of disaster affected countries? 
  • How is the current status of interoperability between international stand-by arrangement and regional stand-by arrangement mechanisms?  
  • What collaboration can be done between regional organisations and humanitarian partners to enhance disaster preparedness and response?


27 May 2022
09:00 - 10:30 (Bali UTC+8)


Singaraja Hall 1
BNDCC 1-1st Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Akbar Meirio,, Dipo Summa,, Pedro Basabe: