Stakeholder Forum Closing Ceremony & Call to Action

A wide range of the society are committed to contribute to the implementation of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (Sendai Framework). Their actions, engagement and contribution are crucial to ensure that we meet the targets of the Sendai Framework as well as the wider Agenda 2030. The importance of this all of society engagement is also recognised within and stressed by the SEndai Framework itself.

This is the closing ceremony of the Second Session of the Stakeholder Forum, which is an integral part of the GP2022 preparatory days. This closing ceremony will gather a wide range of stakeholders, as well as representatives from the United Nations System and governments. The participants as well as speakers will learn about the key takeaways coming out from the Stakeholder Forums, and be provided with an opportunity to bring this into the following discussions in the GP2022. We will also hear commitments and about the cruciality to continue with an all-of society engagement in building risk-informed development.

Session objectives

  1. Express the gratitude to all participants who engaged and shared their knowledge, standpoints and experience throughout the Second Session of the Stakeholder Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction.
  2. Share key messages from stakeholders on how to build a risk informed development, extracted from both the Stakeholder Forum sessions and the stakeholder declaration.
  3. Provide concrete next steps to build on the existing stakeholder engagement in DRR and enhance their space and contribution to implement the Sendai Framework.
  4. Inspire stakeholders and other attendees to communicate the commitment coming out from and the lessons learned during the Stakeholder Forum into the 7th Global Platform on DRR.

Online Attendance

This session will be live-streamed online. Note that it is live-streamlining and no active online participation. You can access the live streaming through this link: 


  • Mr. Dan Perell, Representaive to the United Nations, Baha'i International Community (BIC)
  • Ms. Martha Moghbelpour, Youth from India


  • Mr. Nelson Tivane, Project Manager and Adviser on Disaster Displacement in Mozambique and Southern Africa, Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Ms. Violet Shivutshe, Chair, Huairou Commission
  • Mr. Abhilash Panda, Deputy Chief, Inter-governmental, Interagency cooperation and Partnerships Branch, The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction


children planting young tree on soil in garden


24 May 2022
17:00 - 18:00 (Bali UTC+8)


Exhibition Gallery
BICC Ground Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Moa Herrgård, Rebecca Murphy, Jekulin Lipi,