WRC5 Technical Session: Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning

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Pre-disaster recovery planning (PDRP) and recovery preparedness measures offer solutions that can mitigate challenges toward building back better. The benefits of PDRP for building resilience and improving recovery outcomes are potentially substantial. However, relatively few countries or communities have plans or preparedness measures in place for recovery. PDRP facilitates long-term recovery with a holistic approach, considering the range of potential recovery decisions, actions, and financing needs that will be needed in the event of a disaster. It is consistent with other plans promoting coherence and avoiding planning conflicts in recovery. It links with recovery frameworks, it fosters broad-based participation, and it is often flexible and scalable to meet uncertain needs.

This session aims to demystify PDRP and offer practical options for uptake. Speakers will provide insights and lessons to support leaders and practitioners with PDRP. Speakers will share PDRP success factors and how they have overcome barriers to implementation.   


Session objectives



  • Demonstrate effective models for implementing pre-disaster recovery planning at national and local levels;
  • Share practical experiences and lessons from practitioners, including success factors, barriers, evidence of effectiveness;  
  • Explore the scope of pre-disaster recovery measures and their feasibility to support building back better;  
  • Develop recommendations for a core set of pre-disaster recovery measures. 



  • Mr. David McLachlan-Karr, Regional Director Asia-Pacific, United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO)


  • H.E. Mr. Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Government of the Republic of Fiji
  • Ms. Cynthia Spishak, Associate Administrator, Office of Policy and Program Analysis, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Government of the United States of America
  • Mr. Takeo Murakami, Director, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
  • Mr. Renato Solidum Jr., Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of the Philippines
  • Ms. Lesley Jeanne Y. Cordero, Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank
  • Mr. Jeremias Cabral, Recovery Project Coordinator Recovery 1 and II , National Service for Civil Protection and Fire Brigades (SNPCB), Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde


  • Mr.Raul Salazar, UNDRR Chief, Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean 

Learn more

Where do we stand

Pre-disaster recovery planning offers solutions that can mitigate challenges toward better, faster, and more equitable recovery outcomes. PDRP can help affected communities to build back stronger. Integration of disaster risk reduction measures and resilient designs into recovery is facilitated by, among other things careful planning, standards-setting, public-private partnerships and pre-arranged agreements. It depends on pre-event baseline data and protocols for timely and accurate post-event data collection to inform decision making. In the absence of preparedness, build back better measures can be cut short and quality may be compromised for the urgency of recovery.  

Pre-disaster recovery planning can help affected communities to build back faster. Pre-disaster recovery plans identify recovery stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities, and set up mechanisms for interagency multi-sectoral coordination. They can identify necessary recovery capacities and training needs. They can establish recovery governance measures, institutions and relationships, policies, and triggers that can snap into action when an event occurs. Pre-disaster recovery plans can also identify funding sources and arrange for available funds when needs arise. These types of measures expedite recovery and reduce losses from delays. 

Preparedness measures can help to build back more inclusively and equitably. The PDRP process gives an opportunity to ensure inclusive planning. It gives time to engage and understand communities, vulnerabilities and needs, and a vision for how communities should recover in ways that are consistent with their values. It allows communities to prepare for disruption and for recovery, and for their governments to establish mechanisms to meet their needs in recovery. 

Session guiding questions

  • What progress has been made in recovery preparedness and planning?
  • What are the major obstacles and enabling conditions for implementing and scaling up PDRP? How could community leaders and practitioners be supported with pre-disaster recovery planning?
  • What ex ante recovery measures have been shown to be effective in achieving better recovery outcomes?
  • What innovative approaches are emerging to improve recovery readiness?
  • How can communities and other stakeholders be meaningfully engaged to ensure inclusive planning?


Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning


24 May 2022
15:50 - 16:50 (Bali UTC+8)


Hibiscus & Frangipani
BICC Ground Floor

Online access

Remote participation available to those registered for the conference


Open to those registered for the conference




International sign


Yuki Matsuoka matsuoka@un.org, Paul Rosenberg paulelliott.rosenberg@un.org