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Where do we stand? Global and regional perspectives on implementing the Sendai Framework

We stand at a pivotal moment when it comes to delivering on the policy commitments agreed in 2015 and stipulated in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Agenda 2030, and the Paris Agreement. Accelerating progress towards global risk reduction requires system-wide transformational change. This includes better leadership and coordination, scaling-up data and analytics to improve the evidence base, fostering best practices and learning across sectors and regions, boosting international cooperation for DRR, and empowering those at the frontline of climate and disaster risk. 
This High-Level Dialogue will present a comprehensive stock-take of progress towards global, regional, national and local disaster risk reduction commitments. It will consider the challenges faced and the enabling environment needed to achieve the goals of the Sendai Framework and catalyse synergies across the post-2015 commitments in the count-down towards 2030. 

Session objectives

The High-Level Dialogue will: 

  • Benchmark progress towards Sendai Framework implementation 
  • Identify barriers and opportunities for inclusive, integrated, sustainable, and localised implementation of the Sendai Framework at global, regional and national level 
  • Recommend good practices to accelerate achievement of the Sendai Framework goals and targets by 2030, identifying the way forward for accelerating progress.
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Loretta Hieber Girardet hieber-girardet@un.org. Mira Markova galimira.markova@un.org Yuki Matsuoka matsuoka@un.org
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Nusa Dua Hall
BNDCC 1-Ground Floor
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  • Malini Mehra - Chief Executive, Globe International


  • Elizabeth Riley - Executive Director, Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency - CDEMA
  • H.E. Keitaro Ohno - State Minister, Cabinet Office, Japan
  • H.E. Mitiku Kassa Gutile - Commissioner for Ethiopia Disaster Risk Management Commission, Ethiopia
  • Katrina Sarah Milne - Farmer and Board Member, World Farmers Organization
  • Saber Hossain Chowdhury - Member of Parliament / Honorary President, Bangladesh / International Parliamentary Union
  • H.E. Miguel Ceara Hatton - Minister, Ministry of Economics, Planning and Development, Dominican Republic
Learn more

Read this section to learn more about Sendai Framework implementation, its progress and challenges, ensuring you come prepared to the session. 

Where do we stand  

The first seven years of Sendai Framework Implementation have seen increased efforts of countries and communities to reduce risk and protect hard-earned development gains. With 153 countries now reporting on at least one of seven Sendai Targets, new trends are emerging. Global disaster-related mortality is on a downward trajectory and has declined by 40% compared to the 2000s, bringing us closer to reaching Sendai Target A. In the meantime, there has been a 1.5-fold increase in the number of countries with national and/or local DRR strategies, reaching 120 in 2020 (Target E).  

Despite this progress, disaster risk is proliferating, pointing to an urgent need to significantly accelerate action to implement the Sendai Framework. At no other point in history has the world faced such an array of familiar and unfamiliar risks, interacting in a hyperconnected world and a precipitously changing landscape. Climate change is the defining crisis of our time and is happening quicker than anticipated. The ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have shown that disasters are not confined to one sector, one location or one community and can quickly escalate into global crises. 

To be effective, global, national and local DRR efforts must be grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the far-reaching impacts of disasters, threats, crises and climate change. Achievement of the Sendai Framework requires greater focus on managing disaster risk in all its dimensions (hazards, exposure and vulnerability) with a particular focus on addressing the drivers of risk (including poverty, inequality, structural discrimination, and social norms) alongside building the enabling environment for more inclusive decision making. Furthermore, managing risk in all its dimensions is also a critical means of achieving the ambitious goals and policy commitments of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement.    

Session guiding questions  

Where do we stand on Sendai Framework implementation?  

  • Are we on track to reach the expected outcomes, goals and targets by 2030? 
  • What are key good practices, experience and learning at regional level?  
  • What are we learning from recent global DRR policy stocktaking processes? 

How do we strengthen our understanding of risk?  

  • How to strengthen the evidence base for DRR and incorporate risk analysis at all levels of policy, programming and action? 

How do we accelerate progress?  

  • How to promote an effective enabling environment for comprehensive disaster risk management and achieving the Sendai Framework?  
  • What is needed to hardwire disaster and climate risk into humanitarian and development policy and action in order to catalyse synergies across the post-2015 commitments? 

How do we work together?  

  • How to strengthen international cooperation for disaster risk reduction that is multi-hazard, multi-disciplinary, multi-sector, and multi-stakeholder? 
  • Way forward: what are the foremost priorities for action towards 2030? 
Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • Ahmed Abdulla Al-abdulla, Qatar, Ministry of Interior, Civil Defense Department 
  • Alejandro Alba Fernández, Mexico, Geneva mission 
  • Alexandra Nichols and Tricia Addie, National Recovery and Resilience Agency  
  • Erica Allis, World Meteorological Organization (WMO)  
  • Kai Gatkuoth, African Union Commission 
  • Karin Fernando, Centre for Poverty Analysis 
  • Marcie Roth, World Institute on Disability 
  • Matthias Amling, Germany, Federal Foreign Office 
  • Michelle Yonetani, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 
  • Saikia Jekulin, United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth 
  • Sarah Selby and Rahel Steinbach, UN Women 
  • Shivangi Chavda, Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction 

Breaking the Silos – Towards multi-hazard, multi-sectoral approaches to managing risks

Strengthening resilience in the face of complex shocks requires transitioning away from treating hazards in isolation to recognizing the systemic nature of risk. Shocks typically cascade and compound in complex ways with broad social, economic, and environmental implications. A better understanding of the systemic and multi-sector nature of risk is essential for accelerating risk-informed action by governments, communities, and businesses.    
This GP2022 Thematic Session will showcase emerging practices in multi-hazard, multi-sectoral approaches to risk assessment and risk governance.   


This session will: 

  • Showcase good practice, use cases, and learnings from multi-hazard and multi-sector risk assessments  conducted at regional, national, and sub-national levels.  
  • Advance the state-of-the-art of multi-hazard risk assessment  by sharing  methodologies, approaches  and  tools  for  scenario building, modelling, and predictive analytics for risk reduction.  
  • Promote ‘silos busters’ and advance multi-sectoral partnerships.  
  • Improve risk governance by accelerating  cooperation  to effectively manage inter-connected and systemic risks. 
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Andrew Colin Spezowka, andrew.spezowka@un.org Saira Ahmed, saira.ahmed@un.org Katarina Mouakkid Soltesova, katarina.mouakkidsoltesova@un.org
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Nusa Dua Hall
BNDCC 1-Ground Floor
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  • David Smith - Coordinator, Institute for Sustainable Development, The University of the West Indies


  • Olaf Neußner - Independent expert, German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV)
  • Nasreen Elzen - Civil / Water Resources Engineer, Ministry of Water Resources & Irrigation, Sudan
  • Peter Binder - Director-General, MeteoSwiss
  • Bijay Kumar - Executive Director, Global network of civil society organizations for disaster reduction (GNDR)
  • Susana Juangco - Director, Office of Civil Defense, Philippines
Learn more

Join the session to learn more about the latest practices in multi-hazard and multi-sector risk assessments, established to meet the challenges emerging from increasingly interconnected and systemic risks. 

Where do we stand? 

A survey by the OECD highlighted that while many countries had strategies to manage risks in some critical infrastructure sectors, few map interdependencies across sectors and only half have the capacity to identify new, unforeseen and complex crises (OECD, 2018).  The COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis further underscore the need to address these shortcomings. The increasing frequency and scale of shocks calls for application of better risk analytics to guide and underpin national and sectoral plans, investments, and resilience building. 

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction stipulates that the global community must come to terms with a new understanding of the dynamic nature of systemic risks. New structures are needed to govern risk in complex, adaptive systems and new tools for risk-informed decision making are required. Only with such approaches can human societies flourish amid uncertainty. Coming to terms with the limitations of a hazard-by-hazard view of risk management, the Sendai Framework encourages dialogue and action to refine, extend and enhance our ability to understand and manage systemic risks.  

Member States, the UN system, and partners need to be better equipped to undertake multi-hazard and multi-sectoral risk assessments. More cross-sectoral collaboration is needed in order to move beyond linear risk analysis. Interconnected and systemic risk requires informed multi-stakeholder action.

Session guiding questions 

  • How can we transition from hazard-by-hazard risk assessments towards multi-hazard and multi-sectoral risk assessments? 
  • What lessons, good practices and use-cases can be distilled from emerging practices, and what approaches can be pointed to that have been effective in reducing aggregate risk and barriers across sectors? 
  • What does this transition to assessing multi-hazard, multi-sectoral and inter-connected risk mean for communities of practice in terms of building the state-of-the-art, ensuring the fitness of analytic tools and approaches, improving risk data and information ecosystems, and broader risk governance across institutions at multiple levels? 
Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • Alexander Rudloff, International Science Council, GeoUnions Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction  

  • Andrea Davis, The Resiliency Initiative 

  • Christophe Lienert, Steering Committee on Intervention in Natural Hazards, Switzerland  

  • Daniel Tsegai, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)  

  • Denis Chang Seng, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)  

  • Esline Garaebiti, Ministry for Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology, Geohazards, Environment, Energy and Disaster Management, Vanuatu  

  • Felix Dodds, University of North Carolina  

  • Franziska Hirsch, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)  

  • Gothami Chandraratne, Janathakshan (Gte) Ltd, Sri Lanka  

  • Hongliang Zhang, Ministry of Emergency Management, People's Republic of China  

  • Janaka Hemathilake, Janathakshan (Gte) Ltd, Sri Lanka  

  • Jane Henrici, Women's Major Group  

  • Marcie Roth, World Institute on Disability  

  • Max Linsen, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)  

  • Orhan Altan, International Science Council GeoUnions Standing Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction  

  • Shiro Kawakita, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Diversity in Disaster Risk Reduction Leadership

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 outlines the inclusive, all-of-society approach that is needed to reduce disaster risks. It explicitly recognises the need to promote women and youth leadership and to empower women and persons with disabilities to publicly lead and promote gender equitable and universally accessible disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and risk informed and resilient development. However, truly inclusive diverse leadership must extend beyond the three groups explicitly mentioned. Addressing the structural barriers, capacity gaps, discriminatory attitudes and stereotypes that continue to restrict participation in decision-making, including in DRR, must be a priority to effectively manage disaster risk and build resilience.  

Session objectives 

This session will: 

  • Showcase the transformative impact that diversity in DRR leadership can have on risk informed development and resilience that leaves no one behind. 
  • Stocktake progress and recognise the skills, knowledge and achievements of diverse leaders that are building resilience in their communities. 
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Stefanie Dannenmann-Di Palma dannenmann@un.org. Branwen Millar Branwen.millar@un.org.
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Nusa Dua Hall
BNDCC 1-Ground Floor
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  • Amal Ridene - Young Climate Change Negotiator,  
  • Abel Walekhwa - Deputy Secretary General, Africa Youth Advisory Board on Disaster Risk Reduction, African Union Commission


  • Sarah Knibbs - Officer-in-Charge, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, UN-Women
  • Lizra Fabien - Executive Director, ARISE Dominica | Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce
  • David Zambrano Maya - President, Community Risk Management Committee of Olón
  • Noelene Nabulivou - Executive Director, Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for equality
  • Elham Youssefian - Inclusive Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Advisor, International Disability Alliance
  • Manuel Bessler - Deputy Director-General and Head of Humanitarian Aid Department, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
Learn more

Read this section to learn more about the topic of diversity in DRR leadership, ensuring you come prepared to the session. 

Where do we stand? 

Increasingly, there is recognition that diverse leadership is fundamental for challenging and addressing norms and discriminations that drive unequal disaster risk; and for ensuring more effective and resilient outcomes that leave no one behind. Yet significant barriers remain for women, persons with disabilities, youth, elderly, and other groups most at risk to take a transformative leadership role and meaningfully participate in disaster risk reduction recovery and resilience building. These barriers include: 

  • Lack of targeted funding 
  • Inadequate capacity development and challenges in accessing knowledge and skills for leadership 
  • Insufficient coordination between representative organisations and DRR/climate change adaptation/resilience actors 
  • Collective influencing and advocacy power of national and local groups to ensure DRR/resilience processes are influenced by their priorities, needs and capacities. 

At the same time, there are opportunities, which could accelerate diverse leadership in DRR and resilience building and fast-track gender-responsive and inclusive implementation of the Sendai Framework. These opportunities include 

  • Building awareness of the rationale for diverse leadership in DRR and how diversity in decision-making can reduce disaster risk for all 
  • Identifying the enablers of change to overcome key barriers to diverse leadership 
  • Disseminating and applying existing tools to measure and accelerate progress 
  • Securing commitments to move beyond box ticking to systemic inclusion of diversity 
  • Identifying priority actions for different stakeholder groups. 

Session guiding questions 

  • How can diverse leadership drive progress in achieving the implementation of the Sendai Framework? 
  • What are the primary enablers to diverse and transformative leadership in DRR and resilience building?  

For more information: 

Women's Leadership
Women’s resilience to disasters
1 Million Youth Actions Challenge
The 1 Million Youth Actions Challenge- Video 

Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • Alinne Olvera, United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth 
  • Lida García, National Service for Risk and Emergency Management, Ecuador 
  • Diana Hiscock, HelpAge International 
  • Sandra Delali Kemeh, Africa Youth Advisory Board on Disaster Risk Reduction 
  • Saidy Lamin, National Disaster Management Agency, The Gambia 
  • Sergio Perez & Daniel Maselli, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Switzerland 
  • Maryline Py & Ingo Piegeler, UNFPA 
  • Sarah Selby & Rahel Steinbach, UN Women 
  • Stefan Tromel, International Labour Organisation 

Building a Better Future: Investing in Resilient Infrastructure for All

Sustainable and resilient infrastructure provides communities and the environment with their first line of defense against shocks and is critical for the support it provides in recovery efforts. Robust and resilient infrastructure are key drivers of local and national economic growth. 
However, evidence shows that existing infrastructure systems and the services they provide are increasingly being affected by natural and man-made hazards, and from the impacts of climate change. The current approach to managing and financing disaster risk reduction is lagging behind the rapid rate of creation and increasing complexity of disaster risk. 

The session will look into several important issues that require concerted efforts: 

  • Establishing overarching benchmarks for resilient infrastructure 
  • Increase and improve data collection on SF Target D 
  • Include infrastructure resilience in national DRR strategies  
  • Promote a ‘Think Resilience’ approach to all infrastructure investments, 
  • Urge international financial institutions and development banks, as well as national financial institutions, to align their strategies, operations and activities with the 2030 initiatives. 
  • Consider specific country requirements (e.g. SIDS and LDCs) and specific needs of the most vulnerable. 

Session objectives 

  • Improve the understanding of what “infrastructure resilience” means and how to accelerate its implementation. 
  • Showcase ways for inclusion of infrastructure resilience into national DRR and Climate Change Adaptation strategies; 
  • Discuss means to improve data collection in relation to Sendai Framework (SF) Target D objectives in a manner that ensures no one is left behind (e.g. improve segregated data collection); 
  • Showcase how applying a ‘Think Resilience ‘approach in infrastructure investment and decision-making can ensure infrastructure is sustainable and resilient. 
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Rania Hammad, rania.hammad@un.org Nicholas Ramos, nicholasjoseph.ramos@un.org Abhilash Panda, pandaa@un.org
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Interpretation (Language)
Primary floor language
Pecatu Hall
BNDCC 2-Ground Floor
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  • Kamal Kishore - Member, NDMA, National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Home Affairs, India


  • Dena Assaf - UN Resident Coordinator for United Arab Emirates, United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
  • Rob Wesseling - President & CEO, Co-Operators
  • Hossam Elgamal - Co-Chair, ARISE Egypt
  • Hon. Esther Anyakun Davinia-Minister of State for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Uganda
  • Ms. Beata Janowczyk-Head of the Risk Assessment and Emergency Planning Unit in the Government Centre for Security in Poland
Learn more

Join this session to learn more about decision-making and investments related to resilient infrastructure. 

Where do we stand? 

Key challenges in integrating resilience in infrastructure planning and management include: 

  • Lack of agreed upon terminology and resilience metrics 
  • Insufficient investment in prevention and resilience 
  • Regulatory frameworks do not take full account of risks and vulnerability and do not include resilience measures 

At the same time, there are opportunities which could put us on the path to sustainability and resilience. These include: 

  • Establishing overarching benchmarks for resilient infrastructure 
  • Include infrastructure resilience in national DRR strategies and develop/update national and local regulations around infrastructure so that resilience measures are taken into consideration 
  • Promote a ‘Think Resilience’ approach to all infrastructure investments, creating an enabling policy and investment environment for the integration of resilience into infrastructure development 
  • Urge international financial institutions and development banks, as well as national financial institutions, to align their strategies, operations and activities with the 2030 initiatives. 

Session guiding questions 

  • What do we understand by “resilient” infrastructure and what should some basic metrics of resilience look like? 
  • What are some good examples of national DRR strategies incorporating infrastructure resilience and in what ways? 
  • What tools and collaborations would best address the critical infrastructure damage and basic service disruption data gap in relation to SF Target D? 
  • What regulatory and policy changes would bring the most dividends to communities and would ensure the resilience of infrastructure? 
  • What kind of incentives could governments provide to private sectors to invest in resilience of infrastructure?  
  • What are some of the bottlenecks for increasing investment in resilient infrastructure? 
  • What measures and tools should we use to ensure that those investments are risk informed? 
Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • India / Ministry of External Affairs, Basir Ahmed 
  • WHO, Qudsia Huda  
  • UN-Habitat, Esteban Leon 
  • US Georgia Emergency Mgmt Agency, John Krolikowski 
  • JICA Bangladesh, Naoki Matsumura 
  • Wetlands International, Susanna Tol 
  • Global Buildings Performance Network, Kate McFarlane 
  • Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, Tanaji Sen 
  • Dominican Foundation for Risk Management, Delka Espinal 
  • Build Change, Monica Schroeder 
  • Women's Major Group, Jane Henrici  
  • WBU/African Broadcasting Union, Giacomo Mazzone 

Financing Local Investment Through Risk Informed and Bankable Strategies

Investing in disaster risk reduction is a precondition for developing sustainably in a rapidly changing climate. It is estimated that global investments of €1.6 trillion in appropriate disaster risk reduction strategies could avoid losses of €6.4 trillion. However, the current level of DRR finance does not match the scale of the challenges. While several tools are available to support the development of inclusive local disaster risk reduction strategies and action plans, the challenge has been the conversion of the actions in these strategies into bankable projects. This session looks at how technical and institutional capacity may be developed at the local level to prepare and coordinate complex resilience project portfolios that can attract finance. 

Session objectives 

This session will: 

  • Analyze existing gaps and challenges hampering the ability to access and mobilize required financial resources;  
  • Understand how local governments and communities, including women’s organizations, have accessed funding and finance;  
  • Discuss practical solutions for developing risk informed and bankable resilience projects;
  • Identify opportunities for increasing national budgetary allocations and city revenue generation for DRR;
  • Deliver recommendations on what more needs to be done by stakeholders.
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Sanjaya Bhatia, bhatia1@un.org Mutarika Pruksapong, mutarika.pruksapong@un.org Abhilash Panda, pandaa@un.org
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Singaraja Hall 2
BNDCC 1-1st Floor
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  • Maruxa Cardama - Secretary General, Stichting Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) Foundation


  • Rocco Guarino - President, Provincia di Potenza, Italy
  • Samir Arfaoui - Head, Administrative affairs department, Tunisia
  • Tiza Mafira - Associate Director, Climate policy initiative
  • Godavari Dange - Secretary, Swayam Shikshan Prayog, Grassroots Women's Federation
  • Sameh Wahba - Global Director, Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience & Land Global Practice, World Bank Group
Learn more

Read this section to learn more about the topic of local financing for climate and disaster resilience, ensuring you come prepared to the session. 

Where do we stand? 

Investing in disaster risk reduction is a precondition for developing sustainably. Given the differentiated impact of disasters on women, children and other groups, an investment in gender, age and disability-responsive disaster risk reduction is needed. Studies indicate Benefit to Cost Ratios (BCRs) that range between $1.7 and $150 of benefit for every $1 spent on programming for women and girls. Also, with much of the socio-economic, infrastructural, and other development likely to take place in urban centers, there is a need to augment local financing for resilience. The climate finance flows for cities reached an estimated USD384 billion annual on average in 2017/2018. This is far less than existing needs, estimated at USD4.5 to 5.4 trillion annually. 

At the same time, many grassroots groups have developed new financial mechanisms to help increase pre-disaster investments.  For example, the Community Resilience Fund (CRF) is a flexible financial mechanism that puts money at the hands of grassroots communities to develop risk-informed planning and actions, builds partnership with the local government and drives locally-led implementation. The municipality of Livingston, Izabal in Guatemala, agreed to finance actions aimed at community resilience, which are implemented by local leaders. The Municipality of Wiwili in Nicaragua, agreed to allocate a municipal fund of 10% for disaster risk reduction projects at the grassroots level, specifically targeting women's organizations.  
But while successful examples exist, the question remains: “How can these examples be scaled up to achieve results across communities and continents?” 

Session guiding questions 

  • How can local governments and communities work together for better access to financing that empowers the most vulnerable in decision making?  
  • How can civil society and women’s organizations influence financing decisions and policy making?  
  • What are the emerging trends for increasing the financing at the local level?  
  • At global, national, and community levels, what actions are needed to accelerate progress to strengthen capabilities and capacities of local governments to better prepare DRR/resilience project portfolios? 
Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • Cameroon, Commune de Yaoundé
  • Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
  • Huairou Commission
  • Resilient Cities Catalyst
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
  • UN Women 

Early Warning and Early Action

The importance of multi-hazard early warning systems (Sendai’s Target G and Article 7 of the Paris Agreement) was highlighted in the 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC released in August 2021. The report provides evidence that extreme hydrometeorological events, such as droughts, floods and heat waves, are increasing as well as their impacts on everyday life around the globe as well as harming fragile ecosystem. It concludes that climate change is widespread, rapid, and intensifying.  

This session will outline avenues to accelerate the implementation of people-centered, multi-hazard early warning systems, enabling early action, minimizing impact, reducing risks and contributing to strengthened resilience. It will review progress and trends in strengthening effectiveness of Early Warning / Early Action, including a review of contributions from different approaches, stakeholders and disciplines, and lessons learned through the lenses of the anticipatory/early action paradigm. Finally, this session will explore and conclude on the way forward to revitalize and accelerate achievement of Target G of the Sendai Framework for DRR.  

Session Objectives 

  • Take stock of progress towards achieving Sendai Framework global target G with inclusive, effective and multi-hazard approaches to early warning systems that enable early action. 
  • Explore challenges and solutions in monitoring progress on Target G and guide implementation of early warning / early action to more effectively deliver on the Target G aspirations.  
  • Demonstrate value and benefits of investments in multi-hazard, multi-level early warning systems and inclusive early action and preparedness at national and local level. 
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Sandra Amlang, amlang@un.org Iria Touzon Calle, iria.touzoncalle@un.org Diana Mosquera Calle, diana.mosquera@un.org Donna Mitzi Lagdameo, donna.lagdameo1@un.org
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Primary floor language
Pecatu Hall
BNDCC 2-Ground Floor
Parent - Conference
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Conference event type


  • Keith Campbell - Chief Executive Officer, Caribbean Broadcasting Union, Jamaica


  • Petteri Taalas - Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organisation
  • Johan Stander - Director, Services Department, World Meteorological Organisation
  • H.E. Enamur Rahman - State Minister of Disaster Management and Relief, Bangladesh
  • Ahmed Amdihun - Programme Manager, Disaster Risk Management, Intergovernmental Authority on Development
  • Miluska, Ordoñez - Disaster Risk Management Expert, Practical Action
  • Sainimili, Tawake - Advisor - Inclusive Development, Pacific Disability Forum
Learn more

Join the session to learn more about the latest discussions around Early Warning Systems including Early Action. 

Where do we stand 

Since 2006, the Early Warning System Checklist serves as a fundamental concept in early warning systems. It enhanced the understanding of early warning as a people-centered system with four key components (risk knowledge, monitoring and forecasting, dissemination and communication, and response capability).  

While the international community has recognized the importance of early warning systems and significant progress has been achieved at regional, national and local level, challenges still remain, including: 

  • Increasing frequency and intensity of climatic events; 
  • Increasing population dynamics in hazardous zones; 
  • Slow and rapid onset pandemic; 
  • Conflicts posing new risks to people, livelihoods, infrastructure and services; 
  • Regional and global interconnectedness allowing propagation of risk and impacts across borders and systems; 
  • Digital inequalities causing a lack of access of marginalized groups to EW information; 
  • Need of improvement of multi-sector effective governance and financing mechanisms. 

At the same time, the EW/EA offers key opportunities to maximize DRR implementation: 

  • Contributing to more precise and accessible warnings which provide actionable information for people and organizations alike; 
  • Enhanced effectiveness of preparedness to disasters; 
  • Strengthened people-centred inclusive approaches to multi-hazards; 
  • Progress made in terms of information and communication technology access and use; 
  • Increase in science, technology, climate and disaster risk data availability as well as forecasting and predictive modelling capacities. 

Session guiding questions 

  • What is the role of EW/EA in averting, minimizing and addressing risks, losses and damages? 
  • What are the current opportunities and challenges to enhance effective and inclusive governance and financing of EWS? 
  • How can we trace the evolution of methodologies and tools to design and implement multi-hazard and risk-centered EWS that enable early action across scales? 
  • What is the wider application of EWEA to help reduce vulnerabilities to climate and disaster risk and reduce the impact of disasters on inequalities? 
Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • Germany, Federal Foreign Office 

  • Morocco, Ministry of Interior, Direction Générale de la Protection Civile 

  • Palau, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service 

  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 

  • Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union 

  • Baha'i International Community  

  • CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission Germany 

  • Geological Society of Colombia 

  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 

  • The Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes, Kyoto University 

  • United Force for Development, Ghana 

  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 

  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

Data challenges and solutions for disaster risk management

Multi-hazard disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy and action requires functioning disaster loss and risk information systems that can provide reliable and timely data, statistics and analysis. This is a key enabling condition for countries to develop and implement DRR strategies and investment that are tailored to specific risk contexts, vulnerabilities, impacts and needs.
To be effective, disaster risk management needs to understand the differentiated impact of disasters on different population groups. It therefore requires a comprehensive approach with inclusive risk-informed decision-making that is based on the collection, sharing and dissemination of disaggregated data, including by sex, age, disability, and income. Such data must be accurate, timely, up-to-date, comprehensible and widely available.   
Furthermore, there is a need of localization of disaster-related data where global and national level analysis is complemented by local-level data, which can inspire localized and targeted DRR efforts. 

Session Objectives

The session will aim to highlight progress, lessons learnt, best practices and challenges along the following main themes: 

  • Data for understanding risk;  
  • Strengthening data use through technological advancements; 
  • Building resilience of statistical systems: lessons from COVID-19; and 
  • Incentivizing and scaling up local-level data for DRR. 
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Rahul Sengupta sengupta@un.org Diana Patricia Mosquera Calle, diana.mosquera@un.org
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Interpretation (Language)
Primary floor language
Pecatu Hall
BNDCC 2-Ground Floor
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Letizia Rossano - Director, ESCAP, Asia and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management (APDIM)



Kassem Chaalan - Unit Director, Disaster Risk Reduction Unit, Lebanese Red Cross

Jakub Ryzenko - Head of Crisis Information Centre, Space Research Centre PAS

Rhonda Robinson - Deputy Director Disaster and Community Resilience Programme and Acting Director GEM Division, Pacific Community (SPC)

Renato Solidum - Undersecretary for Scientific and Technical Services, Philippines, Department of Science and Technology

Raditya Jati - Deputy Minister for Systems and Strategy, National Disaster Management Authority, Indonesia (BNPB)

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Read this section to learn more about the topic of current data challenges and identify possible solutions. 

Where do we stand 

Urgent efforts to scale-up the collection, analysis and reporting of disaster-related statistics are key to achieve the Sendai Framework, and hence SDG targets, by 2030. 

The 7 targets and 38 indicators of the Sendai Framework lay out an ambitious agenda to prevent new and reduce existing disaster risk. However, achieving these goals is not the only challenge. Monitoring progress towards the Sendai Framework Targets represents an arduous yet crucial task for national statistical systems. While the past seven years have seen a substantial increase in reporting rates – a total of 153 countries are now reporting across different Sendai targets – significant data gaps prevail.   

The under-representation of disaster impact – especially that of extensive disasters – and issues of data generation, incomplete records, lack of disaggregation and granularity, etc. are hampering our understanding of the full impact of disasters across time, geographies and sectors.  

Effective disaster risk reduction policy and action requires functioning disaster loss and risk information systems that can provide reliable and timely data, statistics and analysis. This is a key enabling condition for countries to develop and implement DRR strategies and investment that are tailored to specific risk contexts, vulnerabilities, impacts and needs. 

Therefore, coordinated global, national and local efforts to strengthen data generation and statistical capacities for disaster impact and risk analysis must be scaled-up. This would allow for a sound evidence base to be used in DRR and climate change decision making, policy, planning and investment. It will also contribute to greater coherence and synergies from holistic information management across UN instruments, including the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 

Key guiding questions are: 

  • How can we meet the growing demands for disaster-related statistics, while coping with the resulting complexity? 
  • How can global, regional, national and local-level actions be scaled up to produce and use more timely, accurate, disaggregated and granular DRR data? 
  • How can we ensure accessibility of DRR data?  
  • How can we strengthen evidence-informed and data-backed decision making for DRR and climate change policy and action, including through coordination among stakeholders? 
  • How can we scale up the data revolution for DRR and climate action, including through new technologies and innovations?
Event bucket
Official Programme

Strengthening Governance to Reduce Disaster Displacement Risks

Each year, around the world, millions of people become displaced from their homes in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change – more than 30 million in 2020 alone. The accelerating impacts of climate change on the intensity and frequency of weather events and conditions in many regions are adding to, and amplifying risks for, people at risk of becoming displaced in the context of disasters, as well as people already living in displacement. 
This session will address the issue of disaster displacement and the reduction of related risks through strengthening governance. It will explore the need for a robust evidence base, as well as the importance of integrating DRR with human rights, humanitarian, development, climate action and human mobility planning. It will also showcase examples of effective practices across regions, and the tools available to help DRR stakeholders in strengthening risk governance. 

Session objectives 

This session will discuss data and governance, and specifically the inclusion of disaster displacement in DRR strategies and policies, as well as the integrated implementation of these strategies and policies. It will: 

  • Explore the challenges and opportunities for disaster displacement monitoring, data collection and analysis  
  • Encourage coherence across related policy areas for more effective governance 
  • Promote good practices for governance (both policies and activities) from various regions 
  • Highlight relevant international standards and guidance on displacement of relevance for DRR 
  • Encourage the use of the Words into Action guide on disaster displacement in developing or strengthening DRR strategies and policies.
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Christel Rose, rosec@un.org Momoko Nishikawa, momoko.nishikawa@un.org
Display on agenda
Time zone
Interpretation (Language)
Primary floor language
Pecatu Hall
BNDCC 2-Ground Floor
Session recording
Conference event type


  • Sarah Charles - Assistant to the Administrator, United States Agency of International Development


  • Doctor Luísa Celma Meque - President of the National Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (INGD) of the Government of Mozambique
  • Saut Sagala - Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Hindou  Oumarou Ibrahim - Indigenous Chadian community of pastoralists           
  • Crispin d'Auvergne - Director, Climate and Disaster Resilience, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
  • Esline Garaebiti - Director General, Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards, Environment, Energy and Disaster Management, Vanuatu 
  • Luis Doñas - Foreign Affairs Liaison, National Emergency Office, Chile
Learn more

What do you need to know about disaster displacement and the links between climate change, disaster risk reduction, data and governance in advance of this session? 

Where do we stand? 

The exposure and vulnerability of persons to disaster displacement is multicausal and driven by political, social and economic factors, among others, and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. To avoid the negative impacts of disaster displacement, risk governance must be strengthened. It needs to be evidence-based and place at-risk or affected communities at the center of action; this includes displaced people and communities in their areas of return, refuge or alternative settlement. It needs to draw on Human Rights standards, and existing guidance such as the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and Durable Solutions Frameworks.  

Effective and comprehensive responses to the risks of disaster displacement are required at all levels, but challenges include: 

  • Weak or insufficient governance; 
  • Gaps in data and evidence and barriers to its effective use to inform governance; 
  • Coordination challenges to the integrated implementation of DRR with other policy areas such as human rights, humanitarian action, sustainable development, climate action and human mobility; 
  • Insufficient capacity at all levels to address disaster displacement coherently. 

However, there are tools and existing effective practices to take guidance and learn from, which include: 

  • The Words into Action Guidelines, Checklist and eLearning
  • International standards and guidance on displacement of relevance for human mobility and DRR; 
  • Experiences and learnings from the local, national and regional levels where specific stakeholders’ commitments will be presented at this event. 

Session guiding questions 

  • In what ways can data strengthen governance, and what are the key challenges? 
  • Why is it important to ensure coherence between DRR and other policy areas? 
  • How can the Words into Action Guidelines, Checklist and eLearning support the inclusion of disaster displacement into DRR strategies and policies? 
  • How can we ensure meaningful and inclusive participation of those affected by, or at risk of displacement, in data collection and governance? 
Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • Asia Pacific Disaster Displacement Group (Maria Moita) 
  • Chile National Emergency Office (Luis Donas) 
  • Economic Justice Network Sierra Leone (Peter John Amara) 
  • Fiji / Geneva mission (Anare Leweniqila) 
  • GIZ (Thomas Lennartz)  
  • GNDR (Elise Belcher)  
  • IFRC (Ezekiel Simperingham/ Kirsten Hagon) 
  • Norwegian Refugee Council (Nina Birkeland) 
  • Platform on Disaster Displacement (Sarah Koeltzow) 
  • Resilience Development Initiative, Indonesia (Saut Sagala)  
  • University of Copenhagen (Emmanuel Raju) 
  • UNHCR (Michelle Yonetani) 

Embedding Risk in Investment Decisions

Investing in disaster risk reduction has become essential for developing sustainability in a rapidly changing climate, especially for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Research shows that global investments of €1.6 trillion in appropriate disaster risk reduction strategies could avoid losses of €6.4 trillion. Despite its importance, disaster risk continues to be mispriced and underestimated in the public and private sector.  
This session will focus on understanding successful approaches and tipping points that can lead to integrating disaster and climate risk reduction measures into public and private investment decisions. It will also identify key obstacles and barriers to these integrations and how they can be overcome while stimulating a sense of urgency among stakeholders to support efforts to embed disaster risk reduction measures in financial decisions. 

Session objectives  

This session will focus on :  

  • Identifying opportunities for, and barriers to, reducing disaster and climate risks through public and private investments; 
  • Unpacking successful efforts to embed risk in investments and in investment decision-making processes; 
  • Identifying means to catalyze action to better align public and private investment strategies, operations, and activities with the Sendai Framework. 
Conference content type
Conference session
Onsite Accessibility
Jenty Kirsch-Wood,  jenty.kirsch-wood@un.org Abhilash Panda, pandaa@un.org Sarah Houghton, houghton@un.org
Display on agenda
Time zone
Interpretation (Language)
Primary floor language
Singaraja Hall 2
BNDCC 1-1st Floor
Session recording
Conference event type


  • Niels Holm-Nielsen - Program Manager, GFDRR, The World Bank


  • Elena Panova - Resident Coordinator of Egypt, United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
  • Titta Maja - Director General, Department for Development Policy, Finland
  • Shiva Makotoko - Executive Director & Deputy CEO, RBN Fund Managers
  • Nadine Brown - Director, Sustainable Development, Planning Institute of Jamaica
  • Carlos Picado Rojas - Director, Strategic Development Unit of the National Risk Management System, Costa Rica
Learn more

Read more on risk-informed investments and why they are important to reduce disaster risk.  

Where do we stand?  

Investing in disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a precondition for developing sustainably in a rapidly changing climate. DRR investments can be achieved and make good financial sense. Yet, they are not carried out to the extent required. Public and private investment decisions typically: 

  • Don’t consider how an investment may be creating disaster risk in terms of exposure and vulnerability at multiple levels, including national, local, and landscape. 
  • Don’t include costs of disasters and benefits of risk mitigation in financial modeling and on balance sheets. Thus, such costs and benefits remain either external to, or are undisclosed in, private and financial sector investment decision-making. 
  • Treat disaster and climate risks as temporally remote, limited, uncertain, and/or unquantifiable at the level of an individual project and, thus, externalize them. 

Though action is lagging, the combined effect of COVID-19 and increasing disaster risk from the climate emergency, provide todays leaders, investors, and decision makers with a unique opportunity to invest in public and private funds in a resilient way for a green, sustainable future. 

To this end, governments should endeavor to make all financial investments resilient to disasters and to ensure that they do not create new risks. At the same time, the private and financial sector also need to lead and foster risk-informed business behaviors that include reporting and disclosure of material, long-term sustainability risks, as well as impact reporting on how companies are contributing to resilience aligned with the Sendai Framework, Paris Climate Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals.

Session guiding questions  

  • How can disaster and climate risk reduction measures be better embedded into public and private investments? 
  • What are key obstacles/barriers to reducing disaster risk in public and private investments and how can they be overcome? 
  • What are examples of policies, programs, measures that resulted in investments that have successfully integrated risk reduction measures? 
  • What was your/your institutions’ decision-making process that led to a risk-informed investment? Provide examples of the competencies, capacities and tipping-points that catalyzed and led to action.  
  • How can different stakeholders (regulators, private investors, policy makers, civil society, academia, intergovernmental organizations, etc.) catalyze action to better align public and private investment strategies, operations and activities with the Sendai Framework? 
  • What are the unique challenges of LDCs and SIDS in embedding disaster and climate risk in public and private investments and how can these be addressed?
Event bucket
Official Programme
Organizing Team members
  • GIZ, Mareike Bentfeld 
  • National Resilience Council Philippines, Antonia Yulo Loyzaga 
  • Wetlands International Europe, Lea Appulo/Sander Carpaij 
  • P3 for Humanity, Nadine Ritcheson 
  • Nagoya University, Satoru Nishikawa 
  • ARISE India, Brig Khanna 
  • GNDR Indonesia, Hepi Rahmawati 
  • Chile Institute for Disaster Resilience, Macarena Perez 
  • UN DESA, Resina Katafon