- Statements
Republic of Kenya National Statement at the 7th Global Platform for Disaster Reduction
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Kenyan delegation is delighted to join you here at this important meeting.Allow me at the outset to convey the Kenyan delegation’s appreciation to the Indonesian Government and to the UNDRR for the excellent organization of this 7th Session of the Global Platform for DRR. Kenya aligns itself to the Common African Position for this meeting.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Kenya has made major achievements in the past two years since the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva. These achievements are best articulated through the lens of the four Priority Areas of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).
Under the SFDRR Priority Area One-Understanding Disaster Risk, the over-arching aim is to ensure that all development is risk-informed: Academic institutions in Kenya and other Disaster Risk Management (DRM)Centres of Excellence have continued offering academic programmes on DRR. We have produced twelve County multi-Hazard Disaster Risk Atlases, up from eight in 2019. A knowledge-web which is a central repository forDrought Risk has also been developed. In addition,Kenya has mainstreamedDRR in the Physical and Land-use Planning Handbook.
Under the SFDRR Priority Area Two-Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to manage disaster risk, we recognized the need to first put in place a “National Legal and Institutional Framework for DRM”. In this respect, the reviewed National DRM Policy was submitted to Parliament for approval, the draft National DRM Strategy was validated in 2021 and the National DRRStrategy 2006-2015 is being updated.
In order to fully operationalize the National DRM Policy, a National Government-sponsored DRM Bill is at the National Assembly for approval.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Under the SFDRR Priority Area Three –Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience, our over-arching aim has been to reduce the vulnerabilities of the communities at risk. We have worked on achieving this by identifying the different types of vulnerabilities at various levels, as well as identifying the possible deficit of capacity among communities with respect to each type of vulnerability.We have also worked on building community resilience by using community-based approaches for capacity assessment and capacity building.
Furthermore, the National Treasury has continued to maintain not only a contingency fund for Disaster Risk but has also allocated disaster response funds to various line Ministries, Departments and Agencies. A multi-donor National Drought Emergency Fund was established and operationalized in 2021aimed at financing drought resilience, preparedness, response and recovery.The National Treasury is also in the process of preparing Standing Disaster Management Fund Regulations aimed at ensuring that funds are available in all phases of the Disaster management Cycle. Partnerships from development partners and the private sector have also secured additional financing for DRM.The Government has put in place measures to enhance resilience of the poor and vulnerable groups through programmes such as hunger safety net, inua jamii, cash transfers and relief food distribution.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Under the SFDRR Priority Area Four–Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to “Build back Better”in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction, our over-arching aim has been to institutionalize national systems and capacities for DRM and to foster public-private partnerships. Our commitment is demonstrated by the establishment of County response units and programmes for building back better including the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project 2017-2022, common programme framework for Ending Drought Emergencies and the Pastoralists Livelihood Resilience Program which was completed in December 2021 in14 Counties. Kenya also has emergency care and psychosocial support institutions offering support during response and recovery.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In recognition of the need for integrated approaches in the implementation of the Sendai Framework and other international instruments, we have taken a multi-sectoral approach in our “Early Warning–Early Action” systems thus improving our co-ordination in prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery.In addition, best practices and climate-smart interventions such as climate-proofed infrastructure has been incorporated in our DRM strategies.
Ladies and Gentlemen
As disasters affect various groups differently, we would like to re-emphasise the fact that the government has put in place measures including awareness and capacity building programmes, strengthening institutional frameworks for DRR and securing funding for DRM. Further to the foregoing, the Government is mainstreaming gender and promoting inclusion of vulnerable groups to effectively participate in National and local DRM governance and established social protection mechanisms.The effect of this will strengthen resilience of the Kenyan people and ensure that no one is left behind.
I urge development partners and the international community to continue supporting and funding initiatives for the transfer and exchange of science, technology and innovation in disaster risk reduction.