Learning Labs: Disaster Loss Accounting

Building on the experiences gained through DesInventar implementation, UNDP and UNDRR, partnering with other organisations like WMO, are in the process of developing a new disaster loss accounting system that meets the growing needs, with higher level of sustainability. Interested participants are invited to register for the Learning Labs as soon as possible through this link.


Session objectives

  • To learn from the good practices in the strategic applications of disaster loss accounting 
  • To demonstrate the process for establishing and maintaining national / sub-national Disaster Loss databases 
  • To explain the methodology for the systematic collection, documentation and analysis of disaster-related loss and damage data.  
  • To provide a basic training on the use of the “DesInventar-Sendai” system software  
  • To consult on the new generation of Disaster Loss Accounting System that will be developed and piloted over the current biennium. 


  1. UNDRR 
  2. UNDP 

Learn more

Participants may benefit from bringing their own laptop (but not essential).


Where do we stand  

Disaster loss databases provide a comprehensive picture of human, economic and infrastructural losses at subnational levels. UNDRR and UNDP have been supporting a disaster loss accounting system called DesInventar that was established in 1994. DesInventar has unique functionality and significant strengths, including a remarkable volume of data, generated consistently by over 110 countries over the last 25 years.  

These databases are nationally owned, with data on disaster impact collected and validated within the country. The system is based on collection and analysis of homogeneous disaster data at all scales (small, medium and large) and generated from the lowest administrative levels in a country. 

Following the adoption of the Sendai Framework, the system was enhanced, called DesInventar Sendai, to enable closer alignment with relevant targets and indicators of the Sendai Framework, enabling streamlined reporting. This enabled the reporting towards the targets A to D of the Sendai Framework which are focusing on accounting for disaster losses.


Session guiding questions

  1. Demonstration of the tools 
Bookkeeper or financial inspector making report, calculating or checking balance. Binders with papers closeup.


26 May 2022
16:30 - 18:00 (Bali UTC+8)


Legian 1, 2
BNDCC 2- Mezzanine Floor

Online access


Open to those registered for the conference


International sign


Rahul Sengupta sengupta@un.org