Learning Labs: Disaster Risk Reduction Social Engineering: Strengthening Community Capacity in Volcanic Disaster-Prone Areas with Wajib Latih Penanggulangan Bencana (Mandatory Disaster Management Training)
In this interactive session, participants will learn the concept of communication for disaster risk reduction for communities in Disaster Risk Assessment through Mandatory Disaster Management Training programs. This good practice has been running for more than a decade as an effort to reduce disaster risk in an effort to form a community disaster-resilience carried out by the Geological Agency in synergy with the Regional Government, Non-Governmental Organizations, communities and volunteers at Merapi volcano.
Session Objectives
- Introduce the concept of Mandatory Disaster Management Training
- Explain the challenges of disaster communication in Disaster Risk Assessment
- Understand the collaboration of disaster management parties in efforts to reduce disaster risk at Merapi Volcano
- Help participants to take practical and strategic steps to start Mandatory Disaster Management Training
- Support the government's long-term collaboration in disaster management from global to regional levels, the business sector, NGOs, communities and volunteers
BNDCC 2- Mezzanine Floor
Subandriyo, M.Si
Dr. Agus Budi Santoso
Noer Cholik
Participants may benefit from bringing their own laptop (but not essential).
Where do we stand
- Various disasters, both natural disasters and disasters caused by human actions, continue to occur in Indonesia, causing loss of community and government assets which increasingly burdens development. In dealing with geological disasters, the source of the threat in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis cannot be prevented. Meanwhile, some of the people of this country still live in disaster-prone areas that could be in danger at any time.
- The issuance of Law No. 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management has raised hopes for progress in disaster management. The law explicitly regulates the rights and protection for the community, but does not mention the obligations for people living in Disaster-Prone Areas. This is a form of deficiency that must be immediately filled with actions to enlighten the awareness of the community in Kawasan Rawan Bencana (KRB) / Disaster Prone Areas about their obligations to take part in disaster management and increase their ability to anticipate these threats through easy-to-understand disaster risk reduction programs.
- Disasters are now the most real threat to a nation. If the threat to state sovereignty originating from other countries can be faced by implementing military service, then if the threat is in the form of a disaster, it can be implemented with Wajib Latih Penanggulangan Bencana (WLPB) or Mandatory Disaster Management Training.
Session Guiding Questions
- How to increase public knowledge of potential disaster threats and increase awareness of disaster risk?
- How to increase societal capacity through social engineering in disaster-prone areas?